Potted Plants

We have put together an entire section for our range of Potted Plants. These are perfect for planting hedging all year around – as well as for those who just want a couple of plants to pot on or to infill a border area in the garden!

Potted Plants are easiest and most straightforward way of planting Hedging. They can be planted all year round. Potted plants are ideal for the summer months when bare root plants are unavailable. Our Potted plants are all grown in our UK based plant nursery and have benefited from the continuous nurture of our resident plant team! Potted plants have the advantage of a fully established root system – so as soon as they are in the ground they will quickly flourish!

If you have any questions or queries about your Hedge Plants, Tree Guards & Garden Hedging please feel free to reach out to a member of the team for quick and friendly advice!

Many apologies but due to a change in the DEFRA plant health regulations following Brexit we cannot ship Plants to Northern Ireland – we are working on this and hop to find a solution soon!