Hedging Mixes

Our Planting Schemes. Native hedging mixes and wildlife friendly. Suited to most soil conditions.

Half of the plants will be thorns – hawthorn or blackthorn. These form the scaffolding of your hedge through which everything else will grow. We suggest you plant the whole back row of your hedge with these to make sure they are spread evenly along the rows.

Choose the height of the plants you want to plant now, as well as the number of plants you need. On this listing you cannot order specific plants. If you want to do that you can order each variety individually in our shop. You will get a beautiful hedge from our Planting Schemes.

We recommend 5 plants per metre in a double zig-zag row for a thick hedge. But you can get away with 3-4 per metre in a staggered row if you don’t mind waiting an extra year or two to form a thick hedge.

Keep them well watered – especially in the Spring and Summer in the first year of planting. If you are not sure how many plants you need or which varieties suit your garden please contact us. We will be happy to offer friendly advice!

For best results plant with Rootgrow gel – it increases the growth rate by up to 50% and really helps the plants establish.

Many apologies but due to a change in the DEFRA plant health regulations following Brexit we cannot ship plants to Northern Ireland – we are working on this and hope a solution is found soon!